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Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь - machine


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Перевод с английского языка machine на русский

1) машина 2) машинка 3) машинный 4) механизм 5) обрабатывать механически 6) обрабатывать резанием 7) печатать 8) станок 9) станочный 10) устройство abrasive cutting machine — станок абразивный отрезной ammonia refrigerating machine — аммиачная холодильная машина asphalt laying machine — асфальтоукладчик automatic arc-welding machine — дуговой сварочный автомат automatic bar-stock machine — прутковый автомат automatic casting machine — литейный автомат automatic checking machine — контрольный автомат automatic cocoon-reading machine — кокономотальный автомат automatic half-hose machine — носочный автомат automatic hosiery machine — чулочный автомат automatic multistation machine — многопозиционный автомат automatic single-spindle machine — одношпиндельный автомат automatic sorting machine — сортировочный автомат automatic weighing machine — весовой автомат automatic winding machine — мотальный автомат barrel crozing machine — уторный станок beam warping machine — партионная сновальная машина bench-type machine toolнастольный станок bobbin spinning machine — бобинная прядильная машина bottle filling machine — разливочная машина для бутылок brush sifting machine — щеточная просеивающая машина candy deposing machine — конфетоотсадочная машина carton feeding machine — машина для подачи картонной тары case making machine — картонораскройная машина cask windlassing machine — стяжной ворот для бочек centrifugal spinning machine — центрифугальная прядильная машина character recognition machine — устройство распознавания знаков cigar rolling machine — закаточная машина для сигар cigarette packing machine — сигаретоупаковочная машина circulating dyeing machine — рециркуляционная красильная машина cloth brushing machine — щеточная чистильная машина cocoon beating machine — коконорастрясочная машина coil banding machine — обвязочная машина для рулонов complete sequential machine — полная последовательностная машина concentrate charging machine — завалочная машина для концентрата conditional probability machine — машина условной вероятности, условновероятностная машина continuous casting machine — машина непрерывной разливки continuously operating machine — автомат непрерывного действия core roll-over machine — поворотная стержневая машина crane and pipe-stringing machine — энерг. кран-трубокладчик curtain coating machine — машина для поливочного крашения cylinder sizing machine — барабанная шлихтовальная машина designing a machine as a unitагрегатирование машин double-cutter shearing machine — двухцилиндровая стригальная машина double-knife cutting machine — двухножевая резальная машина dough dividing machine — тестоделительная машина dough molding machine — тестоформовочная машина dough rounding machine — тестоокруглительная машина drop roller machine — монпансейная машина drum winding machine — горизонтальная мотальная машина edge planing machine — кромкострогальный станок elevator washing machine — элеваторная моечная машина excavating milling machine — землеройно-фрезерная машина fish cutting machine — рыборезальная машина fish packing machine — рыбоупаковочная машина flat knitting machine — плосковязальная машина flax scutching machine — льнотрепальная машина floor ripping machine — машина для подрывки почвы freon refrigerating machine — фреоновая холодильная машина gang drilling machine — станок сверлильный агрегатный germ separating machine — ростокоотбойная машина hammer drilling machine — молотковая бурильная машина hydraulic riveting machine — клепальная гидравлическая машина knee-type milling machine — консольный фрезерный станок loop-forming sinker web machine — кулирная машина machine check interruptionпрерывание по машинному сбою machine direction paperбумага продольной резки machine played game — машинная автоматизированная игра machine with input — машина с входом meat tenderizing machine — машина для тендеРИЗАЦИИ МЯСА medium-range sprinkling machine — среднеструйная дождевальная машина metal-removal machine tool — металлобрабатывающий станок multi-purpose shearing machine — универсальные ножницы multiple-spot welding machine — многоточечная сварочная машина network access machine — механизм доступа к сети oval knitting machine — овальная вязальная машина paddle dyeing machine — лопастная красильная машина paper machine direction — машинное направление бумаги pattern recognition machine — устройство распознавания образов penetrating-type dyeing machine — красильная пропиточная машина piecewise linear machine — кусочно-линейная машина pipette rinsing machine — моечный аппарат для пипеток plate bending machine — листогибочная машина power machine building — энергомашиностроение pure culture machine — аппарат чистых культур reel dying machine — красильная барка с барабанчиком reversed torsion machine — реверсивная крутильная машина roller printing machine — валичная печатная машина roof ripping machine — машина для подрывки кровли rotary cross-cutting machine — ротационная листорезка rotary filling machine — ротационная разливочная машина sack beating machine — машина для выколачивания мешков sand-throwing machine molding — пескометная формовка seamless hosiery machine — круглочулочный автомат semi-automatic casing-in machine — книговставочный полуавтомат shock-free vibration machine — безударная вибрационная машина shot welding machine — импульсная сварочная машина skate machine leverрычаг управления тормозным башмаком soap milling machine — пилирная машина для мыла spray developing machine — струйная проявочная машина squeeze molding machine — прессовая формовочная машина step-by-step action machine — автомат последовательного действия storage-battery welding machine — конденсаторная сварочная машина switch machine lever — рукоятка управления стрелочным приводом syrup filling machine — сиропоразливочная машина tape sizing machine — жгутовая шлихтовальная машина tobacco humidifying machine — табакоувлажнительная машина tobacco stringing machine — шнуровальная машина для табака tunnelling loading machine — погрузочная проходческая машина ultrasonic welding machine — устройство ультразвуковой сварки unit-head machine tool — станок агрегатный vacuum filling machine — вакуум-разливочная машина vacuum packing machine — вакуум-упаковочная машина vacuum seaming machine — вакуум-закаточная машина vertical forging machine — вертикально-ковочная машина wheel-type trenching machine — траншейный роторный экскаватор worsted spinning machine — камвольная прядильная машина yeast extruding machine — дрожжеформовочная машина - Dwight-Lloyd machine - Turing machine - abstract machine - agitator machine - air refrigerating machine - arm pickling machine - augering machine - automatic machine - axial-flow machine - back-lining machine - backing machine - banding machine - bar tacking machine - bar-bending machine - basing machine - batting machine - beading machine - beaming machine - bevelling-and-trimming machine - binary machine - binding machine - binding-off machine - blanching machine - blue-printing machine - blueprinting machine - bobbin-stripping machine - body-length machine - bolt-threading machine - boning machine - bookbinding machine - boom sprinkling machine - boring machine - bottle filling machine - bottle washing machine - braiding machine - brazing machine - breading machine - broaching machine - bronzing machine - brush sifting machine - brushing machine - bulb-blowing machine - bundling machine - burnrishing machine - button machine - button-hole machine - calculating machine - can packing machine - capping machine - carbonizing machine - card-binding machine - card-cutting machine - card-mounting machine - cardboard machine - carding machine - case-making machine - CASING MACHINE - casing-in machine - casting machine - centering machine - chain-stich machine - chance machine - charging machine - charing machine - cheese-winding machine - chopping machine - circular-milling machine - cleaning machine - closing machine - cloth-cutting machine - cloth-laying machine - cloth-pinking machine - cloth-slitting machine - cocoon-riddling machine - coil-winding machine - cold-upsetting machine - collaring machine - collating machine - commutator machine - concrete-finishing machine - connected machine - continuous machine - coordinate-measuring machine - cop-winding machine - core-making machine - corner-cutting machine - cotton-scraping machine - covering machine - creaming machine - curtain-lace machine - cut-wrap machine - cutting-loading machine - cutting-off machine - cutting-winning machine - cybernetic machine - deairing machine - delinting machine - depositing machine - desizing machine - dictating machine - die-cutting machine - die-forging machine - die-making machine - direct-driven machine - discharging machine - discrete machine - double-tier net machine - double-tricot machine - doubling machine - dovetailing machine - drain-installing machine - duplicating machine - dyeing machine - earth-moving machine - electrical-discharge machine - electrographic machine - embossing machine - embroidery machine - emulsifying machine - end soldering machine - engraving machine - etching machine - expanding machine - fabric-packaging machine - felling machine - fettling machine - fibre-extracting machine - filing machine - fillet machine - filleting machine - filling machine - filling-and-capping machine - film-cleaning machine - film-slitting machine - finite-state machine - flanging machine - floatation machine - floor-polisher machine - flying machine - foiling machine - folding machine - fur-cutting machine - galvanizing machine - gambling machine - game machine - gang boring machine - gauging machine - gear-cutting machine - gear-grinding machine - gear-hobbing machine - generalized machine - geometry machine - gig machine - glazing machine - grafting machine - grain-cleaning machine - grating machine - grid machine - groove-cutting machine - grooving machine - ground-effect machine - group machine - half-hose machine - hay-making machine - head-banding machine - heading machine - hemp-scutching machine - heuristic machine - hogging machine - honing machine - hot die-forging machine - hulling machine - humidifying machine - ideal machine - identity-reset machine - impeller machine - inference machine - influence machine - initiated machine - integrated machine - intelligent machine - ironing machine - irrigating machine - jet machine - jig dyeing machine - jig-boring machine - jigging machine - jointing machine - juicing machine - kitchen machine - kneading machine - knitting machine - knotting machine - knurling machine - labelling machine - lapping machine - lasting machine - layered machine - learning machine - letter-setting machine - letter-sorting machine - levelling machine - lime-slaking machine - linear machine - local machine - logic machine - logical machine - lopping machine - lossless machine - machine-building machine - mathematical machine - maze-solving machine - memory machine - mercerizing machine - microfinishing machine - milking machine - milling machine - minimal machine - mining machine - mixed-flow machine - molding machine - multidimensional machine - multihead machine - multipacking machine - multiple-tape machine - nonerasing machine - numbering machine - nut-cutting machine - oil roll machine - one-sided machine - oracle machine - ORE SINTERING MACHINE - oxygen-cutting machine - package-tying machine - paging machine - paper-cutting machine - paper-lapping machine - paper-making machine - parallel machine - paying-out machine - peeling machine - penny-matching machine - permutation machine - photocomposing machine - photocopying machine - pipe-bending machine - pipe-cutting machine - pipe-molding machine - pipe-swabbing machine - pipe-threading machine - pipe-welding machine - pitching machine - pitting machine - plane machine - planing machine - planting machine - plating machine - pleating machine - polishing machine - positive-displacement machine - pressure-dyeing machine - probabilistic machine - program machine - program-controlled machine - pseudostochastic machine - pulling machine - pulling-over machine - pulping machine - pulverizing machine - punching machine - putting out machine - quadric machine - quality-control machine - quenching machine - quick-freezing machine - quotient machine - rabbeting machine - rail-cambering machine - ramming machine - randomizing machine - raschel machine - rasping machine - real machine - redrawing machine - reduced machine - reed-making machine - relieving machine - ribbon lap machine - rice-hulling machine - riffling machine - riveting machine - rivetting machine - road-building machine - roasting machine - rock-boring machine - rock-cutting machine - roller-bending machine - rolling-quench machine - rope-twisting machine - rotary capping machine - rotary-swaging machine - rounding machine - routing machine - ruling machine - sampling machine - sandblast machine - sawing machine - scarfing machine - scouring machine - screw-cutting machine - scudding machine - sealing-exhausting machine - sealing-in machine - seed-treating machine - self-describing machine - self-improving machine - self-reproducing machine - semi-automatic machine - semigroup machine - sequential machine - series machine - set up machine - shake-out machine - shaving machine - shearing machine - sheet-fed machine - sheet-forming machine - sheet-straightening machine - sheeting machine - shock-and-vibration machine - shot-blasting machine - shucking machine - singeing machine - single-impeller machine - single-scutcher machine - single-tape machine - skidding machine - skinning machine - slicing machine - sliming machine - slotting machine - slug-casting machine - soap milling machine - sounding machine - splint-chopping machine - splint-levelling machine - splitting machine - spot-welding machine - spreading machine - sprinkling machine - squeezing machine - staking machine - stamping machine - starting a machine - statistical machine - step-and-repeat machine - stitching machine - stoning machine - stretching machine - striking-out machine - strip-welding machine - stuffing machine - syllogism machine - tableting machine - taping machine - teaching machine - tearing machine - tensiel-testing machine - test-grading machine - thinking machine - three-state machine - tick-tack-toe machine - tie spot machine - tinning machine - tire-bending machine - tool-grinding machine - tooth-quenching machine - transfer machine - trenching machine - tube-cutting machine - two-decker machine - two-state machine - two-symbol machine - type-casting machine - typecasting machine - typesetting machine - unbundling machine - unhairing machine - universal machine - unpacking machine - vacuum capping machine - vacuum-forming machine - varnishing machine - vector machine - warp-knitting machine - washing machine - weighing-and-filling machine - weighing-and-packing machine - welt-sewing machine - wet-burring machine - willowing machine - wINNOWING MACHINE - wire-marking machine - wire-nail machine - wire-typing machine - wood-peeling machine - wood-working machine - wool-scouring machine - wrapping machine - wringing machine
Рейтинг статьи:

См. в других словарях

  1. сущ. 1) машина 2) механизм 3) станок 4) двигатель 5) аппарат (организационный) • - adding machine - answering machine - automated teller machine - automatic teller machine - calculating machine - copying machine - dishwashing machine - drilling machine - fax machine - idle machines - slot machine - state machine - tabulating machine - turning machine - vending machine 2. гл. 1) подвергать(ся) механической обработке 2) обрабатывать на станке 3. прил. машинный - machine engineer - machine language - machine utilization MACHINE устройство; машина; механизм; компьютер – data processing machine – duplicating machine – letter-press machine – patented machine – perpetual motion machine – photocomposing machine – semantic machine – state machine – vending machine ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  – automatic peptide sequencing machine – shaking machine ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. машина, механизм adding machine —- счетная машина; арифмометр knitting machine —- вязальная машина machine for testing —- испытательная машина, машина для испытаний machine accounting —- машинный (механизированный) учет machine utilization —- использование машин the machine runs well —- машина работает хорошо the machine has gone wrong (is out of order) —- машина испортилась to oil a machine —- смазать механизм, машину to set a machine going —- пустить машину 2. комп. (вычислительная) машина, ЭВМ 3. автомат, машина (в кибернетике) 4. станок drilling machine —- сверлильный станок to run a machine —- управлять станком, работать на станке 5. транспортное средство; автомобиль, самолет, велосипед this make of machine —- эта марка машины 6. ам. разг. пожарная машина 7. механизм hearing machine of the bat —- слуховой механизм летучей мыши 8. (организационный) аппарат state machine —- государственный аппарат, государственная машина the conflict set the state machine in motion —- из-за этого конфликта пришла в движение вся государственная машина political machine —- политическая машина the military machine —- военная машина the Democratic machine —- ам. администрация (административный аппарат) демократической партии machine politician —- ам. политикан, тесно связанный с партийной машиной 9. театр. ист. машина 10....
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  translation машинный перевод; MACHINE  1. noun  1) машина; станок  2) механизм  3) велосипед; автомобиль; самолет  4) швейная машин(к)а  5) человек, работающий как машина или действующий машинально  6) аппарат (организационный и т.п.); - state machine - party machine  7) организация/партия, контролирующая политическую жизнь страны  8) attr. машинный; - machine age - machine works - machine translation - machine politician Syn: apparatus, appliance, contrivance, device, engine, mechanism  2. v.  1) подвергать механической обработке; обрабатывать на станке  2) шить (на машине)  3) печатать MACHINE age век машин; MACHINE politician amer. политикан, тесно связанный с партийной машиной MACHINE works машиностроительный завод; ...
Англо-русский словарь
  машина; станок; механизм; устройство; установка absorption machine adsorption machine air placing machine air refrigerating machine all-purpose machine ammonia refrigerating machine anchor machine automatic tamping and leveling machine axial piston machine backhoe tunneling machine bag filling machine bag packing machine ballast cleaning machine ballast dressing machine ballast screening machine ballast tamping machine bar bending machine bar-cropping machine basic machine bead-forming machine beam-molding machine bending machine bending testing machine bitumen spraying machine blasting machine block-making machine building material machines bulk-handling machines carrying and lifting machines casting machine centrifugal refrigerating machine Charpy impact machine cleaning priming and taping machine cold air machine combination floating-troweling machine compaction machine compression refrigerating machine compression testing machine concrete core drilling machine concrete finishing machine concrete molding machine concrete placing machine concrete vibrating machine construction machines creasing machine cribbing machine cutting-off machine ditching machine drafting machine drag scraper machine drilling machine drum digger tunneling machine duct forming machine excavating machines finishing machine flanging machine folding machine forming machine frost gritting machine gauging machine grinding machine grouting machine guniting machine hoisting machine Izod machine joint grouting machine joint sealing machine laser-guided machine laydown machine laying and finishing machine lithium bromide refrigerating machine lockforming machine material handling machine material testing machine molding machine mortise machine padding machine pavement core drilling machine pendulum impact machine percussion riveting machine piling machine pipe-bending machine pipe-cutting machine pipelining machine pipemaking machine pipe threading machine plasma cutting machine pneumatic riveting machine pneumatic wood-boring machine...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) машина; станок производить обработку [обрабатывать] на машине или станке 2) механизм 3) устройство 4) (производственная) установка 5) вычислительная машина; счётная машина; ЭВМ machine for compression — машина для испытания на сжатие; machine for parting-off rolled sections — (газорезательная) машина для резки прокатных профилей; machine for parting-off solid bars — (газорезательная) машина для резки прутков; to program a machine — программировать (обработку) на станке; to run a machine dry — управлять станком на холостом ходу (без обработки); machine with built-in electrical drive — станок со встроенным электроприводом - A-B-C-scale Rockwell machine - abrasive machine - abrasive belt grinding machine - abrasive cutoff machine - abrasive electrochemical machine - abrasive grain cleaning machine - absorption refrigerating machine - abstract machine - ac machine - ac commutator machine - accumulator multidraft machine - ac welding machine - acyclic machine - adding machine - addressing machine - adhesive binding machine - adhesive spreading machine - adzing machine - air-core machine - air drying machine - air jarring molding machine - air-jet weaving machine - air-laid machine - airlift machine - air squeezing core machine - alignment machine - alternating impact machine - boom-type heading machine - boring machine - boring-facing machine - bottle cleaning machine - bottle-filling machine - bottleneck machine - bottom-squeeze molding machine - box and cross tacking machine - boxing machine - box nailing machine - box spinning machine - braiding machine - bread-and-butter machine - bread makeup machine - breaking machine - brick-molding machine - brick-setting machine -...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. & v. --n. 1 an apparatus using or applying mechanical power, having several parts each with a definite function and together performing certain kinds of work. 2 a particular kind of machine, esp. a vehicle, a piece of electrical or electronic apparatus, etc. 3 an instrument that transmits a force or directs its application. 4 the controlling system of an organization etc. (the party machine). 5 a person who acts mechanically and with apparent lack of emotion. --v.tr. make or operate on with a machine (esp. in sewing or printing). Phrases and idioms machine code (or language) a computer language that a particular computer can respond to directly. machine-readable in a form that a computer can process. machine tool a mechanically operated tool for working on metal, wood, or plastics. machine-tooled 1 shaped by a machine tool. 2 (of artistic presentation etc.) precise, slick, esp. excessively so. Etymology: F f. L machina f. Gk makhana Doric form of mekhane f. mekhos contrivance ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Usage: often attributive  Etymology: Middle French, from Latin machina, from Greek mechane (Doric dialect machana), from mechos means, expedient — more at may  Date: circa 1545  1.  a. archaic a constructed thing whether material or immaterial  b. conveyance, vehicle; especially automobile  c. archaic a military engine  d. any of various apparatuses formerly used to produce stage effects  e.  (1) an assemblage of parts that transmit forces, motion, and energy one to another in a predetermined manner  (2) an instrument (as a lever) designed to transmit or modify the application of power, force, or motion  f. a mechanically, electrically, or electronically operated device for performing a task  g. a coin-operated device a cigarette ~  h. ~ry — used with the or in plural  2.  a. a living organism or one of its functional systems  b. one that resembles a ~ (as in being methodical, tireless, or consistently productive) a gifted publicist and quote ~ — John Lancaster  c.  (1) a combination of persons acting together for a common end along with the agencies they use  (2) a highly organized political group under the leadership of a boss or small clique  3. a literary device or contrivance introduced for dramatic effect  II. transitive verb  (~d; machining)  Date: 1853 to process by or as if by ~; especially to reduce or finish by or as if by turning, shaping, planing, or milling by ~-operated tools  • machinability also ~ability noun  • machinable also ~able adjective ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (machines, machining, machined) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. A machine is a piece of equipment which uses electricity or an engine in order to do a particular kind of work. I put the coin in the machine and pulled the lever... ...a color photograph of the sort taken by machine to be pasted in passports. N-COUNT: also by N 2. If you machine something, you make it or work on it using a machine. The material is machined in a factory... All parts are machined from top grade, high tensile aluminium. ...machined brass zinc alloy gears. VERB: usu passive, be V-ed, be V-ed from n, V-ed • machining ...our machining, fabrication and finishing processes. N-UNCOUNT 3. You can use machine to refer to a large and well-controlled system or organization. ...Nazi Germany’s military machine... He has put the party publicity machine behind another candidate. N-COUNT: usu supp N 4. see also fruit machine, sewing machine, slot machine, vending machine ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 a piece of equipment that uses power such as electricity to do a particular job  (a machine that fills the bottles | Could you get me a Coke from the machine? | sewing/washing machine etc (=a machine that can sew, wash clothes etc) | by machine)  (The letters are sorted by machine.) 2 a computer  (a powerful machine that is ideal for software development) 3 a group of people that controls an organization, especially a political party  (the party machine | the government's propaganda machine) 4 like a well-oiled machine working very smoothly and effectively  (The office runs like a well-oiled machine.) 5 informal a vehicle  (That's an impressive-looking machine you've got there.) 6 someone who works without stopping, or who seems to have no feelings or independent thoughts  (He was a running machine, born to do nothing but win medals.)  (- see also cash machine, fruit machine, time machine)  ( USAGE NOTE: MACHINE WORD CHOICE machine, device, thing, appliance, gadget You do not usually work a machine directly by hand, and it may be large. Often the word is used with another word before it that describes its purpose The coffee machine has broken down. Device is more formal. A device may be worked by hand, or be electrical a device for opening bottles . In spoken English people say thing a thing to open bottles with . Device is used especially for something that is used to measure or protect something else a device to find faults in plastic | a contraceptive device An appliance is a machine used for a particular purpose in the home, and is called this especially by the people who produce and sell them a household appliance such as a dishwasher | domestic appliances A gadget is a cleverly designed small machine, often one that does a complicated action, and is usually modern My latest gadget is a breadmaker. SPOKEN-WRITTEN When the word before it describes what the machine is for, people sometimes leave out the word machine Can I use your fax (machine)? When the word before machine ends in -ing, you can sometimes use the same...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - 1549, from M.Fr. machine "device, contrivance," from L. machina, from Gk. makhana, Doric variant of mekhane "device, means," related to mekhos "means, expedient," from PIE base *magh- "to be able, have power," the source of might and possibly magic. Political sense is U.S. slang, first recorded 1876. Machinery (1687) was originally theatrical, "devices for creating stage effects." ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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